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Why strength training is the most effective for weight loss + tips

18 March 2021|Training

Losing weight is all about paying attention to your diet and getting some exercise. Strength training is a great way to do that, whether it's weightlifting, using gym machines, or lifting free weights.

In this article, we'll explain why strength training is a good way to lose weight and how you can get started right away!

How weight loss works

Losing weight is basically very simple: you need to make sure you consume fewer calories than you burn in a day. That's called creating a calorie deficit. To find the energy it needs, your body will then burn your reserves and you will lose weight naturally.

You can do this by following a temporary diet, but it's better to make lasting lifestyle changes. That way, weight loss is easier to maintain, and you won't experience the yo-yo effect when you stop dieting. Paying attention to your diet and getting more exercise are the most important pillars of this.

Losing weight through strength training

So getting more exercise is an important part of healthy weight loss. Many people immediately think of cardio training like running or cycling, but strength training is actually more interesting and effective. Here's why:

  • During weight loss, you lose both fat and muscle. You'd rather lose fat than muscle. By doing strength training at the same time, you limit the number of muscles you lose.
  • In addition to becoming slimmer, your body also becomes tighter through strength training. You'll see more definition. This can be motivating to help you stick to your weight loss plan.
  • By increasing your muscle mass, you raise your resting metabolism. This is the number of calories your body burns when you're doing nothing. According to research, this is up to 4% for women and up to 9% for men (1).
  • By exercising at high intensity, such as with strength training, you create the afterburn effect. This means you'll still burn calories after your workout (2).
  • After strength training, your muscles need to recover. This process requires more energy than after cardio training, and burns extra calories as a result.


Also read: These are the benefits of strength training

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How many calories do you burn with strength training?

To lose weight with strength training, you need to keep challenging your body. The more effort you put in, the more calories you burn. Heavy weights, more repetitions, and targeting different muscle groups are all important in this regard.

To calculate how many calories you approximately burn with strength training, we can use standardized MET values (4). The Metabolic Equivalent of Task, that is, how much you burn during a certain activity.

The formula to calculate the number of calories per hour is as follows (5):

((MET value x 3.5) x weight in kilograms) / 200 = Number of calories burned per minute.

For heavy strength training, the MET value is 8. Assuming a weight of 75 kilograms, we get the following calculation:

((8 x 3.5) x 75) / 200 = 10.5 calories per minute = 630 calories per hour.

Losing weight with strength training: how much can I eat?

You get calories from food and drinks. To maintain weight, women need an average of 2000 kcal and men 2500 kcal. To lose half a kilogram of fat per week, you need to consume about 250 kcal less per day. Or burn it off with strength training, of course.

The following calculation gives you an idea of what strength training can do for you.

If you train vigorously for an hour three times a week, you will burn 3 x 630 = 1890 calories per week. Divided by 7 days, this comes down to 270 calories per day.

If you find losing half a kilogram per week sufficient (we recommend 0.5 to max. 1 kg per week), then you can continue to eat your average calorie intake per day. Want to lose weight faster? Try eating 250 kcal less per day. This will result in a daily calorie deficit of 500.

Of course, this calculation is not entirely accurate. But it gives you a good idea!

Working out hard but not seeing the scale budge?

When you've been working out and trying to lose weight for a while, it's possible that the scale won't show a lower weight. Don't get discouraged! The main reason is that you're losing fat and gaining muscle instead. And muscles are heavier than fat.

Even though you're getting healthier (and you probably already see the difference in the mirror), your body weight can stay pretty much the same. So don't focus solely on the scale, but also look in the mirror :)

Also read: Should you lose weight or build muscle first?

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