Time to read : 3 min

5 reasons why women won't get too muscular from proteins


There's still a lot of confusion and misinformation when it comes to training and protein for women. Many women believe that proteins are only meant for muscular men and bodybuilders and that women don't need protein (shakes) because they don't want to get "too big and muscular." In this article, 5 reasons why as a woman, you won't get too muscular, but instead, you can achieve your fitness goals through protein and the right training.

1. Low testosterone

To build muscles, your body needs testosterone, a sex hormone crucial for muscle development. Men have about 10 to 15 times more testosterone in their bodies than women, and even for men, it's challenging to build a large amount of muscle mass.

So, the chance of becoming too muscular as a woman is virtually impossible and certainly won't happen if you take a daily protein shake.

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2. Less muscle mass

Achieving a muscular body is not an easy task for both men and women, and it requires prolonged, intense, and disciplined training to build more muscle mass.

Women generally have much less muscle mass than men. This doesn't mean that women can't build muscles, but the limit for developing maximum muscle mass in women is much lower than in men.

3. Strength training

During strength training, your muscles break down, and your body needs sufficient protein to recover. This ultimately leads to more muscle growth.

Regular strength training results in fuller muscles and higher fat burning. So, as a woman, you do build muscles, but the outcome is a more beautiful and toned body rather than "too big muscles."

4. Negative energy balance

Since most women generally don't focus much on building muscles, many of them can have a negative energy balance and still build muscles.

By eating enough proteins and monitoring your calorie intake, you enable your body to build muscles without gaining fat.

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