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Healthy weight loss: How do you stop the yo-yo effect?


A problem many people face when dieting is the well-known yo-yo effect. The yo-yo effect causes people to regain weight after losing it, often reverting back to their previous weight. Why is it so tough to maintain your new weight? What are the downsides of the yo-yo effect and what can you do about it? In this article, we'll talk about the yo-yo effect and share tips to help you avoid it.

What is the yo-yo effect?

The yo-yo effect is when people lose weight but gain it back after reaching their goal weight, then continuously attempt to lose weight again.

In most cases, the yo-yo effect is a result of following a diet incorrectly. These are crash diets where people drastically reduce their food intake for weeks or even months and barely (or sometimes excessively) exercise to lose weight.

The yo-yo effect forms a vicious cycle that makes it increasingly difficult to lose weight. The more frequent and stringent your diet, the tougher it becomes to lose weight and maintain it. This not only negatively impacts your body but also has adverse effects on your mental health.

What are the downsides of the yo-yo effect?

A strict diet or prolonged calorie deficit means your body doesn't get enough energy and nutrients to function properly.

Downsides of the yo-yo effect include:

1. Physical stress

Losing weight is somewhat like starving your body, leading to a certain amount of stress. It signals to your body that there isn't enough food, causing your body to do everything to ensure survival.

During a crash diet, your body goes into a kind of 'survival mode' or 'conservation mode.' This doesn't happen after a few days but over a longer period when your body receives (much) too few calories.

Another downside of too much stress (e.g., from a strict diet) is that it reduces your willpower and negatively affects your sleep, making it harder to stick to your diet and more likely to overeat.

2. Loss of muscle mass

Most weight loss during a crash diet is initially caused by losing water and muscles, and much less by losing fat.

When your muscle mass decreases, your body adapts by slowing down your metabolism, making it almost impossible to lose further weight as your body conserves energy and stores fat more easily.

This is why incorporating a certain type of strength training (and consuming enough protein) is good if you want to lose weight, as it minimizes muscle loss.

3. Hunger

All fat cells in your body produce leptin. Leptin is a hormone that signals your brain that there's enough energy, reducing your hunger.

When you go on a diet, the amount of leptin in your body decreases. This increases your appetite and hunger as your body wants to replenish energy reserves (fat cells). It also makes you feel less satisfied because there's less leptin in your blood.

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4. Mental stress

The yo-yo effect can also negatively impact your mental health. Continuously trying to lose weight can create a 'diet mindset'.

This leads to a point where you're only concerned about your weight and appearance, counting calories, and deciding 'what you can or cannot eat'.

5. Bad for your health

Weight loss can improve your health and reduce your risk of various diseases (high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.).

However, trying to lose weight doesn't necessarily mean you become healthier. Losing weight actually causes quite a bit of (physical and mental) stress. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try to lose weight, but consider that it might not always be the best choice.

Yo-yo dieting throughout your life, repeatedly losing and gaining weight, is likely a lot unhealthier than maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a bit of extra weight.

How to stop the yo-yo effect?

When attempting to lose weight incorrectly, it becomes increasingly difficult to shed those extra pounds.

Also, it's important to remember that most people who frequently attempt to lose weight ultimately gain it back or even become heavier than those who never follow a diet.

Here are some important tips to help you lose weight healthily and prevent the yo-yo effect:

1. Quit dieting

Many people view a diet as a temporary phase where they must temporarily adhere to (strict) rules to lose weight, but afterward, they can return to their old lifestyle. They also aim to lose weight as quickly as possible.

However, there's no temporary or quick fix for weight issues. If you have excess weight and want to lose it, it's the result of your current lifestyle and daily eating habits.

Understand your pitfalls and realize that you must bid farewell to your old habits. Not because they're not enjoyable or tasty, but because they don't contribute to your (long-term) goal.

The best diet isn't a diet but a lifestyle (and a way of eating) that works for you and that you can sustain for the longest time—basically, for the rest of your life.

It doesn't mean locking yourself in the gym six days a week or starving; however, if you want to lose weight and maintain it, you'll need to make some changes and (permanent) adjustments in your life.

It's not easy, but it's necessary to prevent those pounds from piling back up.

2. Start new habits

Your body is a result of what you regularly (do or don't) do. Therefore, it's crucial to critically assess your current habits and consider what needs to change.

What are your habits? Which habits currently contribute to your goal and which don't? What are your pitfalls and triggers? What are you willing to give up and what not?

Then, create a concrete plan. Seek help from a friend or coach who can assist you and set clear agreements with yourself to break the yo-yo effect.

Also Read: 6 Effective Weight Loss Tips

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3. Not less eating, but better

Food is a big part of our lives nowadays, especially in our social environment. However, many of the foods we have these days aren't really contributing to our health.

Lots of diet books create this idea that you can keep eating everything and still lose weight. But if you want to slim down and maintain your weight, there are certain things you can't keep eating.

Products like breakfast cereals, fruit juices, soft drinks, cookies, candy, processed meats, spreads, etc., often contain many calories and easily lead to overeating.

It doesn't mean you can never eat these products again, but if they trigger you to overeat or constantly feel hungry or tempted, it's wiser to avoid these products altogether.

You can literally 'starve out' your preference for certain products by not eating them anymore. Eventually, your body won't crave them anymore.

Stop consuming calories through drinks (drink plenty of water) and focus on unprocessed and whole foods.

4. Get (more) active

Many people nowadays have sedentary jobs and spend most of their day sitting down. On average, Dutch people watch TV for over 3 hours a day. This not only negatively affects your body but also your sleep quality.

Lack of movement and poor sleep are significant causes of overweight. Therefore, ensure a good night's sleep and avoid sitting still for long periods daily.

Spend more time outdoors, reduce TV time, exercise regularly, and move your body every day. The more, the better. This is essential for your body and health, contributing to maintaining a healthy weight.

5. Drop the diet mindset

We're living in a society where we constantly compare ourselves to everyone around us and often believe our lives will be much better if we follow suit.

Sure, we all want to look good, but realize that your happiness and your physical and mental health don't solely depend on your body weight.

If you've been dieting your whole life, perhaps take a step back and focus on things in your life that truly matter to you and make you feel good.

What do you enjoy doing? What genuinely makes you happy? What's more important: your health or your weight?

Life is more than just counting calories and a number on the scale. Be honest with yourself and think if what you're currently doing contributes to your health and happiness.

Need extra help with losing weight?

If you want to take advantage of our expertise and lose weight healthily, with the purchase of our Weight Loss Package, you'll get free access to the Orangefit Nutrition Advice.

We'll guide you with a personalized meal plan so you'll know exactly what to eat for a healthy weight loss journey.

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