Time to read: 5 min
Feeling rushed? With these 7 tips, you can do something about it.
Everyone has experienced feeling rushed or pressured at some point. That's just part of life. But if you feel rushed too often, it's time to take action. In this article, we share 7 tips.
What is a rushed feeling?
With a "rushed feeling" comes a sense of restlessness, tension, stress, nervousness, and the feeling that you have too much to do in too little time.
We all have this feeling at times. It will go away on its own and can't really do any harm. A bit of stress is just part of life.
However, if you have this rushed feeling too often and it becomes a problem, it's time to do something about it. This can lead to chronic stress with all its physical and mental consequences.
Tips to combat a rushed feeling
1. Reduce caffeine
Caffeine is present in many beverages, including coffee, different types of tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks. Caffeine can temporarily provide an energy boost by blocking feelings of fatigue (1). However, caffeine also temporarily increases stress hormones (such as cortisol). In studies (2), participants had twice as many stress hormones measured after consuming caffeine. This can lead to a rushed feeling.
If you consume a lot of caffeine-containing drinks and often experience a rushed feeling, try reducing your intake and see if you still experience the rushed feeling.
2. Make a to-do list
When we have too much to do, it can feel overwhelming. The massive pile of tasks seems so big that we don't even know where to start. The result? A rushed feeling and a pile of work we don't even begin to tackle (3).
If you have so much to do that it gives you a rushed feeling, start by putting all your tasks in a list. By making an overview of all to-do's, you define a project and make it manageable.
A practical tip is to make an overview of everything you have to do for the upcoming period at the beginning of each month (or week). Then move on to the next step.
3. Create a realistic schedule
Now you're going to turn the to-do list from the previous tip into a realistic schedule. Schedule your to-do's in your calendar. Divide larger tasks into subtasks and try to estimate as accurately as possible how long each task will take. Also, make time for travel from A to B, schedule breaks, and account for other interruptions.
If you can't fit everything into your schedule, and you notice you have too much to do and too little time, it's time to make tough choices.
If you're given more tasks at work than you can realistically handle, make it discussable with your supervisor. This way, you'll prevent a rushed feeling in the short term and avoid bigger problems in the future.
4. Dare to say no
Do your colleagues or boss regularly ask you to do something last-minute in a rush? If this makes you feel stressed, it's time to do something about it. Look at your schedule to see when you have time for this task. Don't have any time? Then it's time to say "no."
5. Stop multitasking
The term multitasking seems like a great way to do more in less time. After all, you're doing multiple tasks at once! But more and more studies show that multitasking actually leads to lower productivity (4).
Moreover, constantly switching between different tasks can increase our stress levels (5). Do you notice this is the case for you? Then go for single-tasking and don't start the next task until the first one is done.
6. Reduce screen time
On average, we spend about 2.5 hours a day looking at the screen of our smartphone. On social media, we constantly see other people's lives passing by. Because mostly successes, beautiful trips, and other positive events are shared, it seems like everyone is leading a great life. Except you... At least, that's what it seems like. This can cause stress and a feeling of being rushed because you feel like you're not keeping up. And you're already doing so much!
The solution is actually quite simple: spend less time on your smartphone and less time on social media. An added benefit is that you'll have more time for your to-do's!
Here are some practical tips to help you achieve this:
- Block certain websites or apps using Screen Time (iOS) or Digital Wellbeing (Android).
- Remove social media apps from your phone. Can't do without them? Then only check them occasionally on your computer. Soon you'll realize you're not missing anything.
- Put your phone face down during other activities (remember, single-tasking?).
- Keep your phone in another room when you go to bed.
- Turn off notifications from apps that take up a lot of time.
7. Distract yourself with sports
Sometimes you just can't shake that feeling of being rushed. A good way to clear your mind and reduce stress is by exercising (7). Go for a run, hit a ball, or work hard at the gym. Moreover, exercising will give you more energy!