Time to read: 3 min
7 workouts you can do anywhere on vacation
The great reward of a workout is a clear mind, and when is that more enjoyable than on vacation, where you came for total relaxation anyway? To prevent you from stressing out about the how, where, how often, and exactly what, we have selected 7 ideal workouts for on vacation. Do one each day or combine two.
Before you start
Go through all the exercises. If you know exactly what to do, then begin. If you're still figuring it out, YouTube is your best friend.
If the workout isn't challenging enough for you, make it harder with the "advanced options." Still too easy? Just do another workout.
Workout 1
Stick to five rounds for the exercises below. Each exercise is done for 30 seconds.
- Wall-sit
- Side plank (left)
- Side plank (right)
- Lunges
For advanced options, you can choose these exercises:
- Handstand hold
- Star plank (left)
- Star plank (right)
- Jumping lunges
Workout 2
Set the timer on your smartphone to 15 minutes. Then, do as many rounds as possible of the following exercises:
- 20x walking lunges
- 15x knee push-ups
- 30 seconds plank
For advanced options, you can replace this set with:
- 20x walking lunges with an object
- 15x hand-release push-ups
- 30 seconds hollow body hold
Workout 3
Do the following exercises in a descending ladder from ten to one. That means you repeat each exercise ten times before moving on to the next. Done with all three? Then do nine repetitions of each exercise. Continue this pattern until you reach one repetition.
- Down-ups
- Air squats
- Sit-ups
For advanced options, you can try these exercises:
- Burpees
- Squats with an object
- V-ups
Workout 4
Do 8 rounds of the following exercises. Perform them back to back as fast as possible.
- 200 meters running
- 10x air squats
For advanced options, you can replace air squats with jumping squats.
Workout 5
Perform the following exercises in Tabata style. That means you do each exercise for 20 seconds at maximum intensity and then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this 30-second cycle eight times. In total, you'll be working on each exercise for four minutes. Afterward, take one minute of rest and move on to the next exercise.
- Tabata: Jumping squats
- 1 minute rest
- Tabata: Plank shoulder taps
- 1 minute rest
- Tabata: Sit-ups
For advanced options, you can try this schedule:
- Tabata: Jumping squats with an object
- 1 minute rest
- Tabata: Push-up with shoulder taps
- 1 minute rest
- Tabata: V-up
Workout 6
Do five rounds of the following exercises. Perform them back to back as fast as possible.
- 10x bench/chair dips
- 20x mountain climbers
- 30x jumping jacks
For advanced options, you can try these exercises:
- 10x push-ups
- 20x squat and press with an object
- 30x jump rope
Workout 7
The following workout lasts a total of 15 minutes. Each minute, perform one of the three exercises below. In total, you'll do each exercise five times.
- Minute 1: 30x high knees
- Minute 2: 20x Russian twists
- Minute 3: Maximum number of 5-meter shuttle runs
For advanced options, replace the above exercises with:
- Minute 1: 30x jump rope
- Minute 2: 20x Russian twists with an object
- Minute 3: Maximum number of 5-meter shuttle sprints
Stay sort of healthy on vacation
If you want to maintain your healthy lifestyle a bit while on vacation and still enjoy it to the fullest, check out our article "Maintain Your Healthy Habits on Vacation".