Time to read: 5 min
Exercising with muscle soreness: smart or better not to do?
Can you keep training while experiencing muscle soreness? And are there ways to prevent muscle soreness or to recover from it quickly? In this article, we'll answer all your questions!
How does muscle soreness occur?
Feeling sore after training? That usually means 😉 you've been doing great! During a vigorous workout, you push yourself and your muscles to the limit. This creates small tears in your muscle fibers. These small tears are the muscle soreness you feel.
By taking a break afterwards, your muscles have the opportunity to recover with new muscle tissue. This way, your muscles become a little stronger each time. And in the case of strength training (combined with proper nutrition), they also become bigger!
Usually, you feel the muscle soreness 24 to 48 hours after the workout. Depending on the intensity of your training, it can last a few days to even a week.
Can you keep training with muscle soreness?
Muscle building and becoming stronger are about the balance between effort and recovery. By taking enough rest after your workout and watching your nutrition, you get the most out of your workouts. So do you have to fully recover from your muscle soreness before you can start again? Well, it depends on the situation.
If you can still perform the exercise with proper form, you can lightly train the muscle group a little more. If that's not possible, it's better to wait until your muscle soreness is gone.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't go to the gym at all! You can also train other muscle groups that are not affected by the soreness! On the days when you experience muscle soreness in your upper body, for example, you can plan a leg day.
Exercising with muscle soreness
So far, we've mainly discussed training in the gym. But of course, you can also have muscle soreness after a nice game of soccer, tennis or boxing. The same advice applies to other sports: if your muscle soreness is too severe to perform the sport properly, wait until it's (mostly) gone. Take it easy until then.
Choose active recovery
If you still want to stay active, choose active recovery. These are exercises that you perform at a low intensity. Active recovery promotes blood flow to the muscles, allowing them to recover better and faster. By keeping moving lightly, you can accelerate the recovery process!
Examples of active recovery include: walking, cycling, or swimming at a slow pace, doing yoga, or performing active stretching exercises.
Is muscle soreness always good?
Muscle soreness is usually a sign of growth or progress. 'Healthy' muscle soreness lasts a few days and then goes away. If your muscle soreness is really painful and lasts a week before it goes away, you've probably gone too far.
This often happens if you haven't exercised for a long time and go all out right away. It's better to build up slowly, because your body really needs to get used to it again. When you exceed your limits too much, the recovery can even take so long that you break down more than you have built up. This is also called supercompensation.
No muscle soreness, no progress?
A little muscle soreness is normal! It means you're getting stronger. If you don't feel anything after a workout, no worries! 😉
This doesn't mean you're not making progress at all. It's often thought that muscle soreness equals progress, but even without muscle soreness, you can still make progress.
After a light workout, your muscles can still become stronger, even if you don't feel much. Or, you're already super fit! Muscle soreness then occurs less and less frequently.
Can you prevent muscle soreness?
The only way to prevent muscle soreness is to lower your intensity. If you don't want to do that, muscle soreness is almost inevitable. It's a sign that your muscles are recovering and getting stronger after a workout. However, there are three things you can do to minimize muscle soreness as much as possible:
- Warm-up before starting your workout - This stimulates blood flow and makes your muscles less vulnerable than cold muscles. 10 minutes is sufficient and don't leave too much time between your warm-up and your workout.
- Build up slowly - Don't immediately grab the heaviest weights. This will prevent overloading. Start slowly and challenge yourself (and your muscles) a little more each time.
- Eat enough protein - Your muscles consist largely of proteins. And your body uses proteins to recover your muscles. So it's important to get enough!
How can I quickly get rid of my muscle scoreness?
Got muscle soreness? 😬 Of course, you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. We understand! Unfortunately, there is no magic remedy to quickly recover from it. However, these tips will help you:
- Keep moving – With active recovery (such as gentle walking, cycling, yoga, or swimming), the circulation of your muscles keeps going. This can reduce muscle soreness by up to 50% (2)!
- Take a cold shower – First immerse yourself in warm water, then take a cold bath or shower. A faster recovery is one of the proven benefits of a cold shower or ice bath (3).
- Get enough sleep – During sleep, the body recovers. Therefore, getting enough sleep is essential for the recovery of our muscles. Poor sleep hinders muscle recovery and promotes muscle breakdown (4).
- Get a massage – To improve the circulation of your muscles, you can get a massage. Not too hard, as it can actually worsen the muscle soreness. A short, gentle massage provides the best results (5).
- Drink plenty of water – Hydration is always important, but especially so when you have muscle soreness! Muscles are made up of 79% water (6), and dehydration will not speed up the recovery process.
Nutrition and muscle soreness
Proteins play an important role in the recovery of your muscles. When building muscle mass, new proteins (building blocks) are added to existing muscle fibers, allowing them to grow larger. Therefore, it is important to eat enough protein for muscle building and recovery!
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