Time to read : 4 min

The 7 biggest benefits of strength training


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3. Improved Mental Health

They often say "a healthy body is a healthy mind". When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, also known as the "happiness hormone," giving you a good feeling. But it also has a positive long-term effect: exercise improves white matter pathways, allowing the brain to transmit more information (2).

Prof. Dr. Wiepke Cahn, professor of physical health in psychiatric disorders at Utrecht University, states: "Studies show what happens when people start (exercising) more: they become mentally healthier and experience fewer mental health issues. Whether you're dealing with stress, depression, an anxiety disorder, or another mental health condition, exercise has a significant impact on mental health" (3).

Read also: Tips for good mental health

4. Uplifted and Energetic Feeling

Strength training requires a lot of energy from your body, and so does the recovery. However, it actually gives you a more energetic feeling in return! Research shows that more physical activity is the solution to fatigue problems (4, 5). Additionally, the aforementioned endorphins give you an uplifted feeling, and stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are reduced. This leads to better rest and increased energy (6).

Read also: How to get more energy? Try these 8 tips!

5. Increased Self-Confidence

Each time, a few more repetitions and slightly heavier weights. By consistently engaging in strength training, you continue to challenge yourself and your body. Through the constant pushing of your limits - along with the fact that you achieve a visibly fitter body, have more energy, and feel better in your skin - you move through life with increased self-confidence.

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